
Friday, November 29, 2013


A few words from Lou, our esteemed Blogger:

On November 29, 2008 I put an ad online to start a new organization called the Hamilton Blues Lovers.  For five years I've been on a wonderful musical journey that has changed my life forever. 

At first, I was just an occasional local music fan venturing out once in a blue moon.  I spent three years dealing with health issues (both my own and my family's).  This wake up call made me realize I should be enjoying every minute of life!

My interest in local music turned into a passion but there was still a stumbling block.  Very few people I knew realized just how much amazing talent was in their own community.  I would end up going to shows alone and being a shy person by nature, I didn't interact much with other fans.

The Hamilton Blues Lovers was created as a way to break me out of my shell and find like-minded music devotees.  I placed the ad online and the HBL was born.

This has been a life-changing personal journey for me.  It is through it that I learned how to enjoy life more.  I was also extremely lucky to meet Linda, the love of my life, as part of the social group.  She makes music that much sweeter!

I'd like to thank all the new friends I've made throughout these past five years.  To all the musicians: keep up all the good work.  I look forward to many more years of supporting the local scene!

To help celebrate five years of incredible local music, I'd like to invite everyone to Rolly Rocket's on 470 King St W, to join in the fun with a musical Open Stage on December 1, 2013 at 7pm. Both musicians and fans are encouraged to pop in and enjoy!

Video courtesy of Neil Cheeseburger

Previous (New Michael Vallely CD) - - - Next (Videos from Locke Street Fest w Uncorked, Mike Vallely, Banned From Heaven, and B.O.B.)

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