Sold on Hamilton is generally broadcast on the first Saturday on the month between 11am and 12pm. It is hosted by Judy Marsales, owner of Judy Marsales Real Estate Ltd (a proud HBL sponsor) and an amazing local music supporter. The program showcases the best and brightest citizens of the Hammer, including many musicians. Judy also discusses the Hamilton housing market.
The incredible Hamilton band Garnetta and Dagroovmasters is heading to the 2023 in Memphis! The gang'll be competing against the best Blues acts from across the globe. They'll be showing the world what the Hammer can offer.
We should also mention that unfortunately Bywater Call, who won the Grand River Blues Society band spot for 2023 can no longer make it to Memphis so Hamilton's Frank Cosentino Band will be going in their place.
The 2022 Hamilton SpectatorReaders' Choice Awards were recently unveiled. The special supplemental section featured the best that Hammertown has to offer, including our wonderful music community.