Friday, September 20, 2024

Montreal's Jeremy Dutcher Wins 2024 Polaris Grand Prize

The 2024 Polaris Grand Prize winner was announced at the Polaris Gala at Massey Hall on September 17, 2024. Jeremy Dutcher, an artist from Montreal (born in Toronto) took home the accolades

From the press release:

Jeremy Dutcher has won the 2024 Polaris Music Prize for the album Motewolonuwok.

This is Dutcher’s second Polaris Music Prize win.

The Prize, which was presented by CBC Music, goes to the best Canadian album of the year based on artistic merit without regard to genre, sales history or label affiliation. It was determined by a Grand Jury of 11 music media professionals drawn from the greater Polaris jury pool of 207 music media and selecters from across the country. This was the 19th edition of the Polaris Music Prize.

“Six years ago, this award changed my life. I have to give unending gratitude to this music community, please keep your hands going for all of these nominees.” He continued, “Not a single album on that list sounded like each other and that speaks to the breadth of music in this place. This choir, these singers, this band, everyone who helped make this album, I love you. I didn’t think this would happen,” said Dutcher upon accepting their prize.

Dutcher’s victory came with a $50,000 monetary reward courtesy of the Slaight Family Foundation.

Below is a video of his acceptance speech

Links: Polaris Music PrizeMore Polaris StoriesVideo above courtesy of polarismusicprize

Links: Jeremy Dutcher, More Jeremy Dutcher StoriesVideo above courtesy of Jeremy Dutcher

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