Friday, July 12, 2024

Music Champion & Boathouse Owner Kevin Doyle Passes

It is with sadness that we announce the passing of music champion and owner of Kitchener's Boathouse, Kevin Doyle. He died of cancer on Saturday, June 29, 2024 at Lisaard House in Cambridge.

Kevin was in important art of the Waterloo music scene. He hosted a radio show called Voodoo Healing on CKMS-FM for a few years. He was also involved in founding the Grand River Blues Society and  what later became the Kitchener Blues Festival. Kevin's Boathouse became a major music venue in Kitchener and is currently being prepared for relaunch.

Click here for the Waterloo Region Record story.

Social Media Reaction

Lucas Stagg

A week ago we said goodbye to our dear friend, Kevin Doyle. Obviously, no words can sum up the enormity of his passing. As a pal msg’d me outta the gate, “This is a BIG one.” Indeed.

Friends and colleagues in KW, Ontario and around the country have paid such beautiful tribute over the last seven days. It’s been very comforting (also tough) to see and read them all. 🙏

This morning, as I embark on another eastern jaunt (albeit way smaller than in past), I’m reminded of all those times Paul (MacLeod ✨) and I would tour down east, both leaving from and returning home, to The Boathouse.

Kevin gave us all a home. Musically inclined/involved folks, especially. He and I stayed close these ten years AB (after BoHo), and I’ll never forget him. 

Love You, KD. ♥️

Cindy Ward (Boathouse founder & co-owner)

Loved this man! --  20 years ago, back when I owned the Boathouse, Kevin Doyle walked in the door and the FIRST words he ever spoke to me were, "I love this place! Can I buy you a piano?"   - -  true story! lol . . . .  and he DID buy me a piano! haha. Within the year I took him in as a partner, and in 2006, after having my son, I sold the KW Boathouse to Kevin  -  and MAN, did he kill it !  - -  He kicked ass running that place and I couldn't have been prouder !  I was so mad at the city for what they did to him and I cheered loudly for the community uprising

I joke that The Boathouse was my first child. Sundays became my crying day, haha. Like crying at parades - - just the beauty of it all.

Early on, I never thought to do a Sunday afternoon show - but Kevin said, "Trust me, it will be great."  So, I did trust him  - and the MUSIC and the feeling in that room on Sunday afternoons were MAGICAL  - -  hence the crying, lol.


He loved music.  He called it vudoo healin'  (i mighta forgot how he spelled it : )   -  But it was magical.  

The two early years that I owned the Boathouse were something very special in my life and I will always cherish those memories.  I will never forget the music and the people and so many incredible times. I knew I'd done something good . . . but I'm SOO glad that KEVIN MADE IT " GRRRREAT "    -   like Tony the tiger !    - -   I could never have done what Kevin did.  That man ooozed passion   . . . he just LOVED to bring musicians and music together for great music to be had  -  and GOOD TIMES in life to be made  -  in an otherwise tough and painful world -  hence the Blues . . . vudoo healin my friend!

It was his way of bringing LIFE and LOVE to the world.  That was Kevin.  But I think, more than that, it was also his ways of embracing and loving people. He was the ultimate bringer-together-of people and he just loved them. He truly loved people. He loved everybody. And you felt it!  He was genuine.

I've thought often of him recently and I'm so incredibly glad that I ran into him at Kitchener Blues Festival last year - a lovely face to face, kind words, a closure -  for our story. I loved that man. ALL THESE YEARS I WAS INCREDIBLY PROUD OF HIM  - -  He didn't just do good . . . . . .  HE DID GREAT !!   - -  Most people don't do GREAT . . Kevin Doyle was RARE !!  His impacts were real and were fierce! He will always be treasured. 

Steve Parkinson and The Stony Lonesome 

Man, its tough...But I will say a few words about my dear friend.

Kevin took me in to the Boathouse as a 17 year old (new, up and coming) drummer, to play with Douglas Watson. It was my first gig at the Boathouse. 

As excited as I was to play with musicians like this, I could of never predicted that this room, with pink walls and scattered band posters would (almost) literally be my home for the next 10 or so years. 

Doyle and I became buds, beyond the boathouse, we hung out, drank, laughed, constantly got in wrestling matches, and shared a tear here and there for our lost loved ones. 

But during the boathouse hours, he continously pushed me to play. Not just with my bands, the droops, lucas stagg band, stoney lonesome, wet sugar, romeo sex fighter... theres more... What I mean is on top of all  that, is whenever an act he liked was on the road and Kevin wanted them to stop at his spot, they often were touring as a solo or duo project and he'd regularily suggest to them, "lets do the whole band, i've got a drummer, he'll learn your shit, it'll be great"  true fucking story. I kept my drums in the back room at the boathouse because I'd get calls on the regular to play with these touring acts, most of which I've never even heard of, and it was so exciting and completely molded me into the musician I am today. 

The Perpetrators, Watermelon Slim, Sheepdogs,  Hell, even the Skydiggers... man, there was a lot more... He was the one to introduce me to Mel Brown. Then somehow I was playing regularly with this blues legend because Kevin Doyle said I was fit for the part. (Obviously a backup for mr. Jimmy Boudreau) I was proud as can be to be a back up to these monsters. 

I never once asked Kevin for this kind of endorsement, he truly lived and loved music and this community is so damn lucky to have such an amazing person to push and support us the way he did. 

I owe a lot to Doyle. He will be dearly missed. My bud.  

"I'm pretty fuckin' sure this is Kevin Doyle". 

Thanks buddy. 

Love ya.

Previous (Winners of the 2024 Prism Prize) - - - Next (Nominees for the 2024 Blues Blast Awards)

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